
Sunday, 29 April 2012

The Suburbs

Hey guys, welcome to my new blog - The Indigo Culture, following from my old and forgotten blog Paigge Frankie. I hope for this blog to feature all things that inspire me, fashion, music, art and the beautiful people and sights around me in the city of Sydney. To start things off, here is a shoot my amazing photographer for a friend Jay took for me in the suburbs. It was Jay's idea to shoot in the beautiful suburbs that some of us Sydney-siders take for granted. The shoot features this beautiful necklace, to feed my new obsession with anything Peacock related. As well as the most comfortable jumpsuit I scored at a clothes swap my friends held (great idea for those bored with their wardrobes, low on funds, and who admire their friend's taste in fashion haha). I hope you enjoy  x

 Jumpsuit: Sportsgirl
Sunglasses: Newtown Festival
Necklace: Local Stall
Shoes: MIA (off Piperlime)


Meet Jay!